IEAI at the IAS FRIS in Japan
On November 11th, IEAI Director Christoph Lütge and Research Associate Auxane Boch were invited to participate at the IAS-FRIS Symposium on Social Robots and Ethical Design at Kyushu University in Japan.
On November 11th, IEAI Director Christoph Lütge and Research Associate Auxane Boch were invited to participate at the IAS-FRIS Symposium on Social Robots and Ethical Design at Kyushu University in Japan.
The IEAI´s Auxane Boch alongside with the immersive realities working group at the TUM Think Tank, the Responsible Technology Hub, and Women in AI Germany, Austria & Switzerland, Women in AI Global and StellDirVor led the Immersive Realities Hackathon event.