AI4POL: Using Artificial Intelligence to Support Regulators & Policymakers

Using Artificial Intelligence to Support Regulators & Policymakers

AI4POL is an international project funded by the EU Horizon Grant, aimed at equipping European regulators and policymakers with the tools, insights and frameworks needed to effectively regulate artificial intelligence (AI) in a way that protects citizens, upholds human rights and fosters trustworthy innovation. This €3 million project brings together experts from technology, ethics, law and economics to lead the way in ethical AI governance.

The EU has already taken significant steps toward regulating AI through legislation like the AI Act, the Data Act and the Digital Markets Act. However, questions still remain around how these regulations will hold up in practice, how they will impact citizens and how policymakers can evaluate different risks in relation to AI governance. AI4POL seeks to answer these questions by developing AI tools and data science methods to help policymakers and regulators assess the impact of their legislation and address potential threats posed by technological developments in non-democratic states.

The IEAI project team will work with partners in and outside of TUM to investigate two distinct topics centered around these foci:

(1) Improving the general public’s comprehension of complex regulations governing digital services and facilitating citizen feedback for informed regulatory decision-making.

(2) Developing frameworks and recommendations for EU policymakers to identify and respond to risks related to the development of high risk AI outside of Europe.

Project Partners

AI4POL brings together an international team of researchers from Tilburg University, the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the University of East Anglia (UEA), Visionary AnalyticsCenterdata, the Università degli Studi di Roma Unitelma Sapienza and the TUM Think Tank. This diverse consortium ensures a multidisciplinary approach to AI governance, drawing on expertise in technology, ethics, law and economics.

The project team will also work with a prestigious Advisory Board comprising of key stakeholders, including EU and national regulators, policymakers, consumer protection agencies, civil society organizations and AI firms to make sure the project’s outcomes are both relevant and aligned with the latest regulatory challenges.

AI4POL aims to ensure that Europe not only keeps pace with global AI innovation but also leads in developing ethical and effective AI regulations. The project will deliver actionable insights, innovative tools and concrete frameworks to help regulators govern AI effectively.

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Project Leads

Christoph Lütge
Christoph LütgeTUM School of Sciences and Technology
Caitlin Corrigan
Caitlin CorriganTUM School of Sciences and Technology
Alex Kriebitz
Alex KriebitzTUM School of Sciences and Technology