The researchers of the “Consumer perception and acceptance of an AI-enabled recommender system “ project have presented their paper: “Do Nudges Matter? Consumer Perception and Acceptance of Recommender Systems with Different Types of Nudges” at the third FAccTRec Workshop: Responsible Recommendation at The ACM Conference Series on Recommender Systems (RecSys) 2020 that took place from the 22 nd to the 26 th of September 2020.
The ACM Recommender Systems conference (RecSys) is the premier international forum for the presentation of new research results, techniques and systems in the broad research field of recommender systems. The Workshop on Responsible Recommendation offers the opportunity to discuss problems of social responsibility in building, maintaining, evaluating as well as studying recommender systems and the of fairness, accountability and transparency that might emerge with their use. This is relevant to the research project as it is an opportunity to discuss the ethical issues raised by the development and use of recommendation systems.