Thy Duong, student at the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology, is among the seven student assistants contributing to the successful implementation of the MoralPLai Project. Read her reflections on key project topics and learn more about her motivation to join the team.
What inspired you to join the MoralPLai project?
I want to understand how AI decision-making in creative environments such as the theater is created and how different it could be compared to other environments. Also, I am curious about what kind of ethical risks are usually found in AI systems employed in arts.
What are your thoughts on combining research with the arts?
This combination is the reason why I am very fond of participating in the project. In a world where AI systems are prospected to be ubiquitous, combining research with the arts will uncover new facets in the ethical and psychological landscape.
How comfortable would you feel taking guidance from AI on a personal issue?
It depends on the situation. I prefer taking guidance from AI for simpler personal issues, such as writing an email with courtesy. In issues where embodied experiences are typically involved, such as whether or not to send a condolence to a friend, I am uncomfortable with AI guidance since they only give advice based on trained data.
Would you consider relying on AI for advice in a moral dilemma?
I have tried to ask ChatGPT about the trolley dilemma, but the prompt was denied. At other times, AI struggled to respond with an explicit answer. Since moral dilemmas are still being discussed, I don’t believe reliance on AI systems will be a wise choice.
What role do you think creativity plays in exploring complex ethical questions around AI?
I believe creativity is a thought-provoking subtopic that belongs to the category of AI ethical questions. Since AI architectures are numerous, the definition of creativity diverges depending on how its data is trained, how peculiar each design is and which disciplines that creativity is being discussed. In complex ethical questions around AI, creativity helps in understanding how AI systems work, both through academic and artistic lenses.
Explore the MoralPLai Project Project webpage to learn more!