Online IEAI Event: Speaker Series on AI Ethics and Social Justice with Benedetta Giovanola
ZoomWe are pleased to announce that the speaker for this session is Benedetta Giovanola from University of Macerata (Italy).
IEAI Event: Speaker Series on “Generative AI’s Gappiness: Meaningfulness, Authorship, and the Credit-Blame Asymmetry” with Sven Nyholm
TUM Think Tank Richard-Wagner-Str. 1, Munich, Bavaria, GermanyWe are pleased to announce that the speaker for this session is Sven Nyholm, Professor of the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence at LMU Munich.
IEAI Event: Speaker Series on “How Technology Unlocks Frontiers and Ethical Dilemmas: The Case of Outer Space” with Patrick Lin
TUM Think Tank Richard-Wagner-Str. 1, Munich, Bavaria, GermanyWe are pleased to announce that the speaker for this session is Patrick Lin, PhD., director of the Ethics + Emerging Sciences Group, based at California Polytechnic State University.
IEAI Event: Speaker Series Panel on “Unveiling the Ethical Dimensions of AI Research”
TUM Think Tank Richard-Wagner-Str. 1, Munich, Bavaria, GermanyWe are pleased to announce that the speakers for this panel session are Ida Skubis, Tom Lindemann, Yonah Welker and Yueh-Hsuan Weng.
IEAI Event: Speaker Series on ‘The Why of AI Ethics: AI and Agency’ with Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem
ZoomWe are pleased to announce that the speaker for this session is Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem, PhD., head of the Department of Philosophy, University of Pretoria.
IEAI Event: Speaker Series on ‘Accountability as Value and Principle in Artificial Intelligence: Between Ethics and Law’ with José-Antonio Santos
TUM Think Tank Richard-Wagner-Str. 1, Munich, Bavaria, GermanyWe are pleased to announce that the speaker for this session is José-Antonio Santos, professor of Legal Philosophy at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain.
IEAI Event: ‘Advancements in Assistive Robotics: A Dialogue for Progress’ with Katrin Schulleri and Patrick Hung
TUM - Room 142 Marsstr. 20, MünchenWe are pleased to announce that the speakers for this event are Katrin Schulleri and Patrick Hung.
IEAI Event: Speaker Series on ‘Participatory AI: For whom? For what?’ with Daniel Gatica-Perez
ZoomWe are pleased to announce that the speaker for this session is Daniel Gatica-Perez, Director of the Social Computing Group at the Idiap Research Institute.
IEAI Event: Speaker Series on ‘Generative AI Systems: Ethical and Societal Issues, and Implications in the AI Act’ with Raja Chatila
TUM Think Tank Richard-Wagner-Str. 1, Munich, Bavaria, GermanyWe are pleased to announce that the speaker for this event is Raja Chatila, Professor Emeritus of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Ethics at Sorbonne University in Paris, France.
IEAI Event: International AI and Human Rights Summit Panel
TUM GarchingInternational AI and Human Rights Summit Panel