Responsible AI & Ethics from an African Perspective with Prof. Jerry Kponyo
June 28, 2022 – 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Please join us at Marstr. 40, Room 501 to hear an interesting lecture from visiting professor Jerry John Kponyo of KNUST in Ghana.
Prof. Jerry John Kponyo is Dean, Quality Assurance and Planning Office of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) under the Vice-Chancellor’s Office and the Principle Investigator and Scientific Director of the new Responsible AI Lab (RAIL) at KNUST. He is also a co-founder of the Responsible AI Network – Africa (RAIN-Africa), where the IEAI is a founding partner as well.
He is the former Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, KNUST and is currently the Deputy Project Lead of the KNUST Engineering Education Project (KEEP), a 5.5 Million Dollar Africa Center of Excellence (ACE) Impact project sponsored by the World Bank with a focus on Digital Development and Energy. He has done extensive research in IoT, intelligent systems and AI and currently leads the Emerging Networks and Technologies Research Laboratory at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, KNUST which focuses on digital development technologies research. Prof Kponyo’s Ph.D. research focused on applying AI to solving a traffic problem in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs). He has published over 50 articles in refereed Journals and Conference proceedings. He is a member of the Ghana Institution of Engineers. Prof. Jerry John Kponyo is currently the coordinator of the West Africa Sustainable Engineering Network for Development (WASEND).
We look forward to welcoming him to TUM and hope you can join us for this lecture and discussion! Please register below so we can plan attendance.
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