We invite experts to participate in a consultation for the Psychology Impact Assessment for Interactional Systems (PSAIS) project at the Technical University of Munich’s Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence under the TUM Think Tank’s Friedrich Schiedel Fellowship.

About the Project

The PSAIS project aims to develop a map of psychological impacts to evaluate in the context of interactional technology development and deployment. Over the past few months, four workshops were held with 29 experts from Europe, Oceania and North America.

These workshops identified a range of psychological impacts across domains such as social, cognitive, emotional and behavioral. To ensure our findings reflect a truly global and multidisciplinary perspective, input from more experts is invaluable.

Why Participate?

We seek experts in psychology, sociology, anthropology, education, healthcare, communication studies or other relevant fields to share their insights and help refine this mapping.

Experts’ input will guide us as we finalize our findings and recommendations, ensuring to the best of our abilities that the mapping is comprehensive and culturally inclusive. 

Who Should Join?

We welcome professionals and researchers with expertise in interactional technologies’ psychological or social impacts (e.g., video games, immersive realities, social robotics, LLMs).

Your perspective will help ensure a well-rounded and impactful framework no matter where you’re based.

How It Works

📄 Access the Report and Questionnaire:

If you wish to participate, reach out to Auxane Boch. You will then receive the report and consultation questionnaire.

  1. Read the Report: A concise, ca. 10-page summary of workshop findings.
  2. Answer the Consultation Questionnaire: A short form with ca. six focused questions to capture your insights.

🗓 Deadline: February 9th, 2025

Want to Learn More?

Find out more about the PSAIS project, our workshops, and related publications here:
🔗 Learn more about PSAIS

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or need further details, feel free to reach out to Auxane Boch.

Thank you in advance for your time and insights.