Zuzanna Warso, Senior Research Analyst at Trilateral Research, presented her work at the latest IEAI’s Speaker’s Series Event, on May 27, 2021.
The presentation focused on AI ethics, human rights and the role of civil society organizations (CSO) in ensuring the responsible development of AI.
Dr. Warso explained the lack of opportunities for CSOs to participate in the AI Ethics Debate. In order to achieve a better approach for discussing the opportunities and challenges of AI, many researchers and CSOs advocate for the adoption of a human rights-based approach for the governance of AI. Such approach would provide a framework to analyze the regulatory challenges and the trade-offs emerging in this domain, as well as, providing mechanisms and methodologies of balancing rights with the opportunities provided by AI.
The proposal of the European Commission for an AI regulation was also analyzed, as a concrete example of the involvement of CSOs in the governance of AI.
Dr. Warso focused on the interference of certain AI systems with human rights and the need to adapt the risk-based approach regulation by making sure that the rights of the EU citizens are prioritized, in order to solve the current loopholes in the regulation.
In conclusion, she argued that the participation of CSOs in policy-making processes at the EU level could bridge the gap between EU institutions and the citizens by bringing new perspectives. CSOs participation in decision-making process could play a vital role in allowing right-holders to contribute in the decision making process, to make sure that their needs are included. Nonetheless, accessing the EU policy-making processes is still not open to many CSOs as it is poorly regulated, which constitutes a challenge for the future on focusing in making the debate more inclusive.
We also had the pleasure to talk to Zuzanna Warso on the IEAI Q&A: Reflections on AI. We would like to thank Zuzanna Warso for her interesting presentation.